20th Anniversary of the Reading of the Declaration of Independence

The Annual Reading of the Declaration of Independence at the Jaffrey Center Meetinghouse will take place again this year, live, after being presented virtually last year, 2020. The Reading of the Declaration of Independence is a tradition begun in 2001 by Rob Stephenson. The four sponsoring organizations Jaffrey Center Village Improvement Society (JCVIS), Jaffrey Historical Society (JHS), Jaffrey Historic District Commission (JHDC) and the Meetinghouse Committee are very pleased to be able to continue the tradition again this year of gathering together to celebrate the founding of our great nation.

The event begins at noon on the 4th of July which is on Sunday this year. It is free to all, and early arrival is recommended as the Meetinghouse, which seats 235 people, fills up quickly. A short welcome by a representative of one of the sponsoring organizations is followed by the presentation of a framed copy of the Declaration which is brought to the stage by one or two young people. The reading then begins. A number of citizens and public officials read sections of the Declaration. At the conclusion, Yankee Doodle is sung followed by three cheers for the U.S.A. and the ringing of the tower bell. All is over in about twenty minutes and many of the standing-room only audience proceed to the Horsesheds for Jaffrey Center’s VIS Ice Cream Social.

This tradition will continue this year after the hiatus of the Covid year. Immediately following the Reading of the Declaration of Independence in the Meetinghouse, people are invited to enjoy a cup of ice cream at the Horsesheds behind the Meetinghouse.

The Ice Cream Social is sponsored by the Jaffrey Center Village Improvement Society (JCVIS). VIS volunteers serve cups of several flavors of ice cream for people waiting in long lines. This is a perfect time at the beginning of summer for chatting and catching up on the news after long winter months of not seeing each other. Several tables with chairs are provided in the Horsesheds stalls for those who want to linger a bit longer. This event is free with a free-will donation basket available for donations.

The Town Manager’s COVID policy for town buildings is as follows: if a person has been fully vaccinated, they are not required to wear a mask; wearing a mask is optional according to the person’s assessment of their vulnerability. If a person has not been fully vaccinated, they must wear a mask.


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