Beauty and Community in Perpetuity.

A volunteer organization dedicated since 1906 to preserving and celebrating the historical and natural environment, and the community of Jaffrey Center, New Hampshire.

Board of Directors

  • Toni D. Gildone, President

  • Vernon (Andy) Bean, Treasurer

  • Peter Russell, Finance Committee Chair

  • Sally Keller, Corresponding Secretary

  • Sharon Epple, Recording Secretary

  • Alex Bird, Vice President - Events

  • Tom Shiele, Vice President - Buildings

  • Stephanie Plent, Vice President at Large

  • Bruce W. Hill, Vice President - Grounds and Landscaping

  • Richard H. Stein, Vice President - Conservation Easements

  • Susan T. Campbell, Curator Melville Museum

  • Kenneth D. Campbell, Historian


1906 – 2024 LIST OF OFFICERS


1906-08 Silas E. Buck (died Aug 1908)

1908-28 Mrs. Benjamin  L. Robinson (Margaret C.)

1928-48 Mrs. Lawrence H. Wetherell (Josephine B.)

1948-56 John D. Johnson (died Dec 1956)

1957 Mrs. Lawrence H. Wetherell (Interim President Jan-July)

1957-58 Herbert E. Bixler

1958-61 George B. Farnham

1961-63 Elmer L. Ford

1963-65 William W. Torrey

1965-69 D. Glyn Millard

1969-71 Robert Newbegin

1971-73 Coburn B. Kidd

1973-75 Richard E. Cunningham

1975-77 David F. Gourd

1977-81 Robert M. Brandin   

1981-85 Edward M. Read

1985-87 George H. Cox

1987-89 Thomas N. Kell

1989-93 Mary R. Payson

1993-97 Patricia C. Strauss 

1997-2001 Robert B. Stephenson

2001-05 Mary R. Payson

2005-07 Anne S. Newbegin Webb

2007-12 Kenneth D. Campbell

2012-18 Susan T. Campbell 

2018-19 Timothy J. Gordon

2019-24 Susan T. Campbell

Heather Ames, Thomas A. Angeloro, William C. Arthur, Valerie Atkins, Ellen Avery, Burgess Ayres, Katharine G. Ayres, Jeannette Barker, Mary R. Batiste, Reynold A. Belletete, Mrs. Ernest Bernbaum (Ruth), Mrs. George Bigelow, Alexander Bird, The Rev. James Bixler, Arthur H. Bradford, Robert M. Brandin, Helen P. Brown, Mrs. Silas E. Buck, Mrs. Albert Burgess (Virginia), Kenneth D. Campbell, Bowman F. Cann, Charles E. Chamberlain, William L. Coleman, George H. Cox, Mrs. E. Granville Crabtree, Richard E. Cunningham, Alice E. Cutter, Lucia B. Cutter, The Rev. Ralph E. Danforth, Peter B. Davis, Noel Dowling, Sean M. Driscoll, Mrs. Robert English (Barney), Bryan English, Llewellyn Thomas Evans, John O Field, Edward Gilchrist, Toni Gildone, Maria Goodman, David F. Gourd, The Rev. Lathrop C. Grant, Janet Grant, The Rev. Frederick W. Greene, Sam Greene, Mrs. Walter F. Greene (Eunice), Sam Hackler, Sylvia Hamilton, Mrs. Josiah Harmar, Robert P. Haynes, Bruce Hill, Howard H. Hill, Gunilla Johanson, John D. Johnson, Thomas N. Kell, James H. Kennedy, Coburn B. Kidd, Bruce Larsen, Frank D. Lindquist, The Rev. William W. Livingston, William W. Locke, Seth F. Low, Mrs. Seth Low, The Rev. Anders G. Lund, Patricia H. MacIsaac, Mrs. Endicott Marean, Charles B. Marvin, Amy R. Meyers, The Rev. Charles S. Mills, Randy Morse, Marijean Parry, Carlos T. Pierce, Stephanie Plent, Margaret Pokorny, John W. Poole, Donald E. Proctor, Edward M. Read, Ronald Reid, Charles Richmond, Sally J. Roberts, Lloyd C. Robinson, Margaret C. Robinson, H. Charles Royce, Jr., Warren Ruffle, Lucius C. Ryce, Bayard Sawyer, William N. Simonton, Roger R. Smith, Richard H. Stein, Robert B. Stephenson, Martin H. Stevens, Patricia C. Strauss, John P. Strauss, James A. Sullivan, .The Rev. David C. Torrey, Norman L. Torrey, William W. Torrey, Schuyler Van Santford, Sally Waters, Anne S.N. Webb, Lawrence H. Wetherell, Josephine Wetherell, Lambert Whetstone, Mrs. Bradford de Wolfe (Susan) Mrs. Francis M. Woods (Davida)

Edmund G. Blake, Mrs. Charles E. Chamberlain, Jane M. Cunningham, George B. Farnham, Katherine W. Fox (1906-1940), Samuel S. Goodhue, James H. Kennedy, James T. Kilbreath, Jr., Frank D. Lindquist, Charles B. Marvin, Andrea McGillivray, Francis X. Quinlan, John Raleigh, Peter Russell, Edward J. Shea, Roger R. Smith, Robert B. Stephenson, Virginia Warfield

Mrs. Charles E. Chamberlain

AUDITORS (Almost surely incomplete)
James W. Balentine, Jane M. Cunningham, Walter F. Greene, Tammy Griffin, James A. Kennedy, William W. Locke, Iver Olsen, Donald E. Proctor, William Raymond, Lynn Rust, Smith Batchelder & Rugg CPAs, Harold L. Stillman

Ellen A. Avery, Mrs. Delcie D. Bean, Jr. (Margaret C.), Mrs. Ernest Bernbaum, Judith M. Bixler, Llewellyn Thomas Evans, Mrs. Llewellyn Thomas Evans (Rachel P.), Carrie W. Fernald, Mary F. Ley, Nancy Lloyd, Viola S. May, D. Glyn Millard, Mrs. John Mitchell (Emma M.), Mary R. Payson, Christine Pedott, Mary E. Phelps, Dorothy P. Rich, Elizabeth Sanderson, Robert B. Stephenson, Miss A.E. Tilton, Jane W. Torrey, Mrs. Norman L. Torrey (Elizabeth B.)

Mrs. Richard D. Anable, Helen P. Brown, Helen L. Cox, Mrs. E. Granville Crabtree (Edith R.), Jane M. Cunningham, Louise Curran, Mabelle E. Cutter, Janet S. Grant, Sylvia Hamilton, Lisa Bostnar Jackson, Margaret A. Johnson, Mrs. Endicott Marean (Anna), Mrs. Carlos T. Pierce, Frederick S. Richardson, Thomas Schiele, Patricia Scholl; Diane Schott, Megchelina Shore-Bos, Lucy Slade, Anne C. Stevens, Mary B. Stillman, Mrs. Charles P. Strong, Ann W. Winsor, Mrs. Arthur J. Young

Susan T. Campbell, Sean Driscoll, Jeanne Duval, Kate Fox, Sally Waters Larsen, Mary Jo Marvin, Michaele Osgood, Mary Payson


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