Contact Us
We’d love to hear from you. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us via email or phone. You can also send correspondence via mail.
Melville Academy Museum
39 Thorndike Pond Road, Jaffrey, NH 03452
Mailing Address
PO Box 722
Jaffrey, NH 03452

There are many easy ways in to Jaffrey Center from various points in New England. Here are a few recommendations, but we suggest checking your GPS and choosing the route you are most comfortable with.
From Boston and Points East
Route 2 West to exit 24B to Route 140 North. Follow 9.5 miles to the end of 140. At the traffic light, continue straight onto Rt 12 North. 9/10th mile up, take first right onto Glen Allen Street to Route 202. Follow into New Hampshire to Jaffrey. At Route 124, take a left and follow for approximately two miles. Take a right onto Laban Ainsworth Way for parking in front of the Meetinghouse. From the Meetinghouse you’ll find the Melville Academy Museum a short walk up Blackberry Lane to the right.
From From NY, CT and Points South and West
I-91 North (in Massachusetts) to Exit 28A, Route 10 (Northfield and Bernardston). Follow signs to NH, to Winchester. Take right onto Route 119 East. Follow through Fitzwilliam and Rindge. Take a left onto Route 202 North and follow to Jaffrey. At Route 124, take a left and follow for approximately two miles. Take a right onto Laban Ainsworth Way for parking in front of the Meetinghouse. From the Meetinghouse you’ll find the Melville Academy Museum a short walk up Blackberry Lane to the right.
From Portsmouth and Points North
Route 101 West into Peterborough, NH. Take left onto Route 202 South into Jaffrey. At first light, take a right. At second light, proceed straight on Route 124 for approximately two miles. Take a right onto Laban Ainsworth Way for parking in front of the Meetinghouse. From the Meetinghouse you’ll find the Melville Academy Museum a short walk up Blackberry Lane to the right.